
Wenn es um Camping geht, haben viele immer noch das Bild eines einsamen Zeltes in völliger Abgeschiedenheit und ohne Licht, Strom oder fließendes Wasser im Kopf. Das war vielleicht mal so! Heute kann man eine Camping-Reise durchaus bequem und angenehm gestalten – dank der entsprechenden Technik. Bei Camping Kaufhaus findest du alles rund um das Thema Camping Elektrik für Wohnwagen & Wohnmobil. Ob Entertainment, Stromerzeugung oder Licht: Wir statten dich mit dem nötigen Zubehör für deinen nächsten Campingurlaub aus. Wirf einen Blick auf unser breites Sortiment und bestelle Wohnmobil- und Wohnwagen-Elektrik bequem online!

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Crimpkabelschuh M8 Crimpkabelschuh M8
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Batteriewächter SmartShunt Batteriewächter SmartShunt
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Wechselrichter MultiPlus Wechselrichter MultiPlus
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Ladebooster Orion-Tr Smart DC/DC Ladebooster Orion-Tr Smart DC/DC
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USB-Steckdose USB-Steckdose
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Reisestecker Schuko/IT Reisestecker Schuko/IT
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Adapterstecker Adapterstecker
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Mehrfachsteckdose 3-fach Mehrfachsteckdose 3-fach
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Kabeltrommel Garant CEE Camping/Maritim Kabeltrommel Garant CEE Camping/Maritim
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Lithium Batterie Polar Lithium Batterie Polar
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Batterieabschaltung NDS Battery Saver Batterieabschaltung NDS Battery Saver
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Einbauladegerät USB-C Einbauladegerät USB-C
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Kabelrolle 1,5 mm² Kabelrolle 1,5 mm²
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Kabelrolle 1,5 mm² Kabelrolle 1,5 mm²
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Kabelrolle 2,5 mm² Kabelrolle 2,5 mm²
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Kabelrolle 2,5 mm² Kabelrolle 2,5 mm²
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Sicherungskasten PB IBW 230-25c Sicherungskasten PB IBW 230-25c
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Lithium Batterie Polar Slim Lithium Batterie Polar Slim
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Steckdosenadapter mit USB-A/C Steckdosenadapter mit USB-A/C
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51 From 55

Everything you need - at Camping-Kaufhaus

When it comes to camping, many still have the image of a lonely tent in complete isolation and without light, electricity or running water in their minds. Maybe that used to be the case! Today, you can make a camping trip quite comfortable and enjoyable - thanks to the appropriate technology. At Camping Kaufhaus you will find everything around the topic of camping electrics for caravans & motorhomes. Whether entertainment, power generation or light: We equip you with the necessary accessories for your next camping vacation. Take a look at our wide range and order camping electrics conveniently online!


All about camping: electrics for motorhomes, caravans & Co.

The electrical system for campers or caravans is a wide field. When it comes to camper electrics, there are now countless ways to equip the camping vehicle. Starting with the power supply to adapters and lamps, we offer you a wide range of useful products that you should retrofit or replace for the camping vacation. It is important that the products are of high quality and have a long service life. After all, who wants to deal with defective sockets and blown fuses during their vacation? In our category for camping electrics you will find first-class camping articles:


  • 12-24 V articles as well as 230 V articles
  • Adapter plugs & cables
  • Batteries & accessories for battery maintenance
  • Various cables and cable drums
  • Fan heaters
  • Chargers & charge controllers
  • Lamps & Bulbs
  • Fuse boxes
  • Sockets/Plugs
  • Generator
  • Inverter
  • Overvoltage protection
  • Converter
  • Other electrical accessories for camper & caravan


Camper-electrics: Electronic articles for the camping trip

True camping fans know the anticipation of the long-awaited vacation with the camper or caravan. In order for the joy to continue during the actual trip, good preparation and reliable camping electrics are essential. For a pleasant camping experience, check your motorhome electrics and all power supply components before you set off. That way, you can drive off into the sunset in your RV without any worries or problems.

Power generator

There are a variety of RV electrical items that can help you optimize your power supply. With the right equipment, you can easily and effectively self-manage your electronics in your camper to achieve a self-sufficient power supply.

Power generators can be a useful addition on your camping adventure, especially if you're camping in places where there's no external power source. Power generators convert electrical fuels such as gasoline or diesel into electrical energy, which can then be used to power refrigerators, lights and other appliances in your camper. However, when buying such a generator, it is important to plan the power requirements and pay attention to factors such as power and fuel consumption. This is the only way to guarantee a safe power supply.


Safety standards for camping electrics: what the legislation says

Legislation on electrical systems in caravans or motorhomes can vary from country to country. In Germany, for example, there is the DIN standard VDE 0100, which specifies the requirements for electrical installations and also applies to mobile homes. The standard contains regulations for electrical safety, the use of electrical equipment and the use of protective devices.

To be on the safe side, find out in advance about applicable regulations regarding electrical systems in campers and consider applicable safety standards and regulations.  


  • Certification: Electrical equipment used in motorhomes or caravans must meet certain standards. To guarantee the safety and reliability of the electrical system, there are relevant certifications that you should look for when buying new products. The CE mark, for example, indicates that a device complies with the applicable European standards.
  • Installation of electrical systems: Electrical systems in RVs must be installed in accordance with prevailing building codes and safety standards. This includes, for example, regulations for the use of special cables and connectors as well as the correct installation of batteries, generators and solar panels. So find out in advance what regulations are in place when using camping electrics.
  • Maintenance: Regularmaintenance and testing of the motorhome electrics is very important for your safety and that of your passengers. With the help of electrical test equipment or measuring instruments, you can ensure that everything in your camping vehicle is working properly and does not pose a danger.


Caravan electrics at Camping Kaufhaus

A stable power supply is a must for all camping fans who go on an adventure trip with their camper or caravan. If you don't want to miss out on the benefits of electrical devices while on the road, you should rather check the camping electrics in your vehicle once too often. In the best case you exchange old and defective accessories and invest in high-quality camping electronics.

At Camping Kaufhaus you will not only find top brands at great prices, but also high quality camping electrics for motorhomes and caravans. In our camper electrical store we offer you different categories: From sockets to fan heaters to lamps and bulbs, you get all the important products for a trip with the camper. Click through our wide range and order the necessary items quickly and easily to your home.



How does the electrical system in the caravan work?

There are two sources for electricity in a caravan or motorhome: built-in batteries and shore power.

  • Batteries: Campers and caravans often have one or more lithium batteries installed. These supply 12-volt direct current to the on-board power system. The battery is charged while driving, when connected to shore power, by a solar system on the roof or by a generator.
  • Shore power: This involves connecting the motorhome to an external power source, for example at a pitch or campsite. All 230  and 12 volt sockets will work.


Why do you need an inverter?

An inverter converts direct current into alternating current. This is necessary if you want to operate 230 volt appliances without shore power in your motorhome. The inverter then turns 12 volt direct current supplied by the vehicle battery into 220 volt alternating current for the use of household appliances such as refrigerator,

TV, lighting, etc. and is therefore a useful addition for camping electronics.

Camping electrics: what types of sockets are available for the camper or caravan?

When it comes to power outlets, there are several options for the camping mobile:

  • Schuko sockets: these sockets are widely used in Europe and can be used for many different types of equipment.
  • CEE sockets: they are robust, weatherproof and are often used for heavy-duty appliances such as air conditioners and heaters.
  • Camping outlets: Because they are specifically designed for use in campgrounds and RVs, camping outlets often have protectors to ensure they are safe to use.


Everything you need - at Camping-Kaufhaus When it comes to camping, many still have the image of a lonely tent in complete isolation and without light, electricity or running water in their... read more »
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Everything you need - at Camping-Kaufhaus

When it comes to camping, many still have the image of a lonely tent in complete isolation and without light, electricity or running water in their minds. Maybe that used to be the case! Today, you can make a camping trip quite comfortable and enjoyable - thanks to the appropriate technology. At Camping Kaufhaus you will find everything around the topic of camping electrics for caravans & motorhomes. Whether entertainment, power generation or light: We equip you with the necessary accessories for your next camping vacation. Take a look at our wide range and order camping electrics conveniently online!


All about camping: electrics for motorhomes, caravans & Co.

The electrical system for campers or caravans is a wide field. When it comes to camper electrics, there are now countless ways to equip the camping vehicle. Starting with the power supply to adapters and lamps, we offer you a wide range of useful products that you should retrofit or replace for the camping vacation. It is important that the products are of high quality and have a long service life. After all, who wants to deal with defective sockets and blown fuses during their vacation? In our category for camping electrics you will find first-class camping articles:


  • 12-24 V articles as well as 230 V articles
  • Adapter plugs & cables
  • Batteries & accessories for battery maintenance
  • Various cables and cable drums
  • Fan heaters
  • Chargers & charge controllers
  • Lamps & Bulbs
  • Fuse boxes
  • Sockets/Plugs
  • Generator
  • Inverter
  • Overvoltage protection
  • Converter
  • Other electrical accessories for camper & caravan


Camper-electrics: Electronic articles for the camping trip

True camping fans know the anticipation of the long-awaited vacation with the camper or caravan. In order for the joy to continue during the actual trip, good preparation and reliable camping electrics are essential. For a pleasant camping experience, check your motorhome electrics and all power supply components before you set off. That way, you can drive off into the sunset in your RV without any worries or problems.

Power generator

There are a variety of RV electrical items that can help you optimize your power supply. With the right equipment, you can easily and effectively self-manage your electronics in your camper to achieve a self-sufficient power supply.

Power generators can be a useful addition on your camping adventure, especially if you're camping in places where there's no external power source. Power generators convert electrical fuels such as gasoline or diesel into electrical energy, which can then be used to power refrigerators, lights and other appliances in your camper. However, when buying such a generator, it is important to plan the power requirements and pay attention to factors such as power and fuel consumption. This is the only way to guarantee a safe power supply.


Safety standards for camping electrics: what the legislation says

Legislation on electrical systems in caravans or motorhomes can vary from country to country. In Germany, for example, there is the DIN standard VDE 0100, which specifies the requirements for electrical installations and also applies to mobile homes. The standard contains regulations for electrical safety, the use of electrical equipment and the use of protective devices.

To be on the safe side, find out in advance about applicable regulations regarding electrical systems in campers and consider applicable safety standards and regulations.  


  • Certification: Electrical equipment used in motorhomes or caravans must meet certain standards. To guarantee the safety and reliability of the electrical system, there are relevant certifications that you should look for when buying new products. The CE mark, for example, indicates that a device complies with the applicable European standards.
  • Installation of electrical systems: Electrical systems in RVs must be installed in accordance with prevailing building codes and safety standards. This includes, for example, regulations for the use of special cables and connectors as well as the correct installation of batteries, generators and solar panels. So find out in advance what regulations are in place when using camping electrics.
  • Maintenance: Regularmaintenance and testing of the motorhome electrics is very important for your safety and that of your passengers. With the help of electrical test equipment or measuring instruments, you can ensure that everything in your camping vehicle is working properly and does not pose a danger.


Caravan electrics at Camping Kaufhaus

A stable power supply is a must for all camping fans who go on an adventure trip with their camper or caravan. If you don't want to miss out on the benefits of electrical devices while on the road, you should rather check the camping electrics in your vehicle once too often. In the best case you exchange old and defective accessories and invest in high-quality camping electronics.

At Camping Kaufhaus you will not only find top brands at great prices, but also high quality camping electrics for motorhomes and caravans. In our camper electrical store we offer you different categories: From sockets to fan heaters to lamps and bulbs, you get all the important products for a trip with the camper. Click through our wide range and order the necessary items quickly and easily to your home.



How does the electrical system in the caravan work?

There are two sources for electricity in a caravan or motorhome: built-in batteries and shore power.

  • Batteries: Campers and caravans often have one or more lithium batteries installed. These supply 12-volt direct current to the on-board power system. The battery is charged while driving, when connected to shore power, by a solar system on the roof or by a generator.
  • Shore power: This involves connecting the motorhome to an external power source, for example at a pitch or campsite. All 230  and 12 volt sockets will work.


Why do you need an inverter?

An inverter converts direct current into alternating current. This is necessary if you want to operate 230 volt appliances without shore power in your motorhome. The inverter then turns 12 volt direct current supplied by the vehicle battery into 220 volt alternating current for the use of household appliances such as refrigerator,

TV, lighting, etc. and is therefore a useful addition for camping electronics.

Camping electrics: what types of sockets are available for the camper or caravan?

When it comes to power outlets, there are several options for the camping mobile:

  • Schuko sockets: these sockets are widely used in Europe and can be used for many different types of equipment.
  • CEE sockets: they are robust, weatherproof and are often used for heavy-duty appliances such as air conditioners and heaters.
  • Camping outlets: Because they are specifically designed for use in campgrounds and RVs, camping outlets often have protectors to ensure they are safe to use.


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